If you chose Primiero – San Martino di Castrozza for your holiday, you are probably passionate about hiking in the mountains. During the summer, there will be an easy hike available from nearby our hotel that will take you to our own chalet in the Dolomites. It is situated in Val Giasinozza, 7 km from the hotel. This valley is placed in the East part of Fiera di Primiero and it is crossed by many tributaries of Cismon river: clear water and unique landscape. An undiscovered place, far from the flood of tourists and away from the classic route, with a flourishing vegetation which grows up protected by the Paneveggio-Pale di San Martino natural park. There, you will be able to enjoy a delicious lunch with regional specialities from Trentino such as polenta, cheeses (from the Caseificio di Primiero), sausages, mushrooms, home-made strudel, wine and grappa. It will be like the best possible prize after a beautiful hike!
We organize this excursion weekly, normally on Wednesday (weather dependant). Is is included in the full board accommodation, whether it has an extra fee of € 25 per adults and € 15 per children for guests in half board accommodation.
We leave the hotel with our Isolabus at about 10 am, but the last 2 km there is a sof walk to get to chalet. For guests who does not walk but want to participate, the bus leave the hotel at 11 am and gets directly to the chalet. We will be back in the hotel at about 3 pm. If someone want to keep the experience longer, there is the possbility to come back by walk from the chalet.
Reservation at the reception within 12 am the day before (maximum 30 people).
What are you waiting for?